Bad idea

City Economic Simulation DLC for Capitalism Lab
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Bad idea

Post by ezzeqiel »

I think it's a bad idea to start a "city simulation" branch of the game...

There's already very good city simulation games, and it's very difficult that enlight, could ever match EA resources...

My recommendation would be to focus on developing the business game... There's already a lot of requests and suggestions in this forum that are not being developed, that can keep enlight team busy for a long time..
Esoteric Rogue
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Re: Bad idea

Post by Esoteric Rogue »

While I agree that I don't want city management in the game, I disagree that Enlight could compete with EA.

I mean to say, I would like to engage in some EA-bashing.

SimCity4+RushHour fully patched was horrid with bugs. For instance, the OperaHouse bug, which was the same as the Disease Research Center bug (and others IIRC) but they fixed the Research Center, but never fixed the OperaHouse despite fan outcries.

Now, they like to say that the path-finding was not a bug -- that by design Sims take the shortest route instead of the fastest. That's rather ridiculous leading to path-finding that tends to avoids highways? It certainly looks wrong, so whether or not it happens to be a bug, it was both designed and implemented badly.

Now, I haven't played that in 7 or 8 years, so you'll forgive me if I only remembered the bugs that pissed me off the most.

And the main point is EA chose not to fix them. These Enlight peeps have fixed everything that we've found to be a bug in short order.

And still, I've said my bit, but I have to add a bit of a rant. What got me in to the Sims 2 was that EA advertised sim compatibility with SimCity4. Go figure, they only thing they did was name a SimCity citizen to your imported Sim's name. Wow. Empty promises.
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Re: Bad idea

Post by David »

As mentioned before, we haven't decided if we will work on the city simulation expansion or not, and wanted to get more user feedback about this on this forum.

If we end up really embarking on the development of the city simulation expansion, its gameplay focus will definitely be different from SimCity - probably some aspects of city simulation that are not yet available or only lightly implemented in other city sim games.
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Re: Bad idea

Post by azxcvbnm321 »

SimCity 4 was still a great game even with all its faults. It's frustrating because it could gave been an epic game if they would have focused on what matters to city builder players, namely good path finding and sensible feedback mechanism between jobs/housing growth/business growth. People who buy these type of games (me included) want substance, not flash. If they could have just focused on improving the basics instead of giving us "missions" that added nothing and were only done by me to get $$$.

All Enlight has to remember is that the mechanics are the most important part of the game. If they can get that right, then they will be successful. Look at the Cities 20XX franchise and Cities in Motion. The major complaints again are the mechanics.

I hope that EA can get the new SimCity, set to be released sometime soon, right. Unfortunately all the people who've made the franchise successful in the first place are gone, it's an entirely new team and changing teams does not have a good track record (see Diablo 3). If EA's new Sim City fails, then Enlight should jump aboard and develop their own city builder. If EA manages to get it right, then there will be no room for another one.
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